Although you can't say the same for the plot, Far Cry 2's first-person action squeezes every last drop of potential out of the unique African setting.

The good points:

  • Incredible amount of freedom to approach each mission
  • 50 square kilometers of visually stunning African landscape
  • Hefty single-player campaign should take at least 30 hours
  • Diverse reward and upgrade systems feed off each other very well
  • Robust map editor on all three versions.

The bad points:

  • Story does very little with politically-charged setting
  • Traveling for long stretches can become tedious.

"In Far Cry 2's chaotic world of mercenaries, gunrunners, and armed militias,
you'll fnnd yourself dropped into a dizzying web of shady clients and paper-thin
alliances. All manner of names and faces are introduced during the course of the
storyline, but the real star isn't anyone brandishing a smuggled weapon in
search of blood diamonds; it's the daunting and awe-inspiring 50-square
kilometers of African landscape that make up the game's open-world setting.
Aside from providing the opportunity to soak up an amazing sunset, Far Cry 2's
free-roaming terrain brilliantly harmonizes with the first-person combat. The
diverse landscape and myriad environmental factors work alongside a wide
assortment of weaponry to give you tremendous freedom to approach each mission.
Combined with solid multiplayer, Far Cry 2's sheer breadth of action provides
you with plenty of reason to stay lost in the African wilderness despite an
underwhelming plot and the occasional sense of tedium in navigating from one
location to another on the gargantuan map. "

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